Edvatiq Terms and Conditions for Institutions

1. Introduction

Welcome to Edvatiq. These Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between Edvatiq and educational institutions partnering with us for course access, training, and educational services. By signing up with Edvatiq, institutions agree to comply with these terms.

2. Institutional Accounts

3. Course Access and Usage

4. Payments, Refunds, and Cancellations

5. Content Ownership and Intellectual Property

All course materials, video lectures, and digital content remain the exclusive property of Edvatiq. Institutions are not permitted to modify, copy, distribute, or claim ownership of Edvatiq’s intellectual property.

6. Institutional Responsibilities

7. Modification of Terms

Edvatiq reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Institutions will be notified of any significant changes that affect their usage rights.

8. Limitation of Liability

Edvatiq is not responsible for disruptions caused by external factors, such as internet failures, third-party service issues, or institutional network restrictions.

9. Contact Information

For any inquiries, support, or legal matters, please contact us at support@edvatiq.tech.